Adult Education

Mr. Beatrice
Faculty Information
Contact Information
About Adult Evening Education
BCAVTS offers Adult Evening Education during the Fall and Spring of each school year. Fall registration opens at the beginning of September and Spring registration opens at the beginning of January. A course flyer and the application link will be posted here when registration begins, as well as on our Facebook page.
BCAVTS offers certification courses, trade and industrial courses as well as customized job training programs.
Call Mr. Beatrice in order to set-up dates & times for customized job training programs or if you have any questions regarding our Adult Evening Education courses.
Once registered for a course, submit payment via check or money order, made out to Butler County AVTS, 210 Campus Lane, Butler, PA 16001.
You may now pre-register for adult education with our tentative schedule. This schedule will be up for approval at the December JOC meeting. To pre-register, please call 724-282-0735 ext. 242 and leave your name, phone number, email address, and class you are interested in!Please register for your respective classes at least 2 days before the class begins. Payment for class will be due on/by the first class date.