Employees must submit their new or renewed original clearance certificates to the Director's Office, the clearance certificates will be viewed and a copy will be made for the school's records. Please do not submit your clearance certificates by way of email or fax. Lastly, these agencies will not provide your clearances to BCAVTS.
Act 153 Certification of Clearances for Volunteer and School Employees, states all school employees covered under the school code, or anyone working at a school district who has contact with children, shall provide new FBI (Act 114), State Police (Act 34), and Child Abuse Registry (151) clearances every 60 months (5 years).
Act 126 of 2012 (Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training) amended the Public School Code of 1949 to mandate that all school entities and independent contractors of school entities provide their employees who have direct contact with children with a minimum of three hours of training every five years on child abuse and sexual misconduct recognition and reporting.
1) Federal Criminal History Check (Act 114)
Service Code: 1KG6NX
Fingerprinting IdentoGO Instructions
2) State Criminal History Check (Act 34)
3) Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151)
4) Act 126 Child Abuse Training Requirement-Mandated Reporter
Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training (Act 126)
- Register for Act 126 Course: http://pdesas.org
- How to get to PD Center: Click your name SAS Tools, Click PD Center.
- After registration, directions on how to access Act 126 Course:
5) Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release Form (Act 168)
- You will need to provide BCAVTS a disclosure form for each current or former employer where you had direct contact with children.
6) Arrest/Conviction Form
7) Health Record Form